Sorry for the lack of posts this week. Actually funny because it's not that I've been ignoring the blog but rather nothing really happened. Slow week. It was great. This week was the first time we had no obligations or deadlines or projects or errands to do since we got here. There was the termite inspection on Wednesday (good news, no surprises) and that was pretty much it. Other than that, it was the familiar get up, go to work, come home, cook dinner, relax for a minute, and go to bed type of week. Sad to say but it's been MONTHS since we had that kind of week. It was really nice.
Today was a different day though. Go, go, go until about an hour ago - it's 10:30 now. The day started by pouring the coffee to go and heading straight to the Farmer's Market in Honolulu. It was the most recommended one online however I think that was for tourists, not residents. True everything was made\grown\originated in Hawaii but most of the booths were things like honey, sea salt, coffee, and several niche type items that the tourists from nearby Waikiki seemed to flock to heavily. The farmer type booths with produce and growing things were few and far between. A little disappointed but I managed to get some great strawberries from Maui and some fresh basil so all was not lost I guess :)
Next we stopped for a quick lunch then off to Dave's Jui Jitsu tournament. I'm not going to go into the specifics of Jui Jitsu because even after an afternoon of watching, I'm still extremely clueless as to exactly what it's all about. What I can say is that it's like watching wrestling but the athletes are wearing traditional martial arts robe-like clothing. We stayed long enough to watch the end of the kids' tournament and the beginning of the adults. Tanner loved watching the kids. He's really been wanting to get involved in sports for a while but we've had to put it all off because of the move. I have now promised him that after Christmas he can do something. We'll probably start with swimming out of necessity. He's getting better but could really use some formal instruction. Anyway, we managed to see about an hour of the adults as well. There is a woman's division and yes, I'm pretty sure every single one of those girls would have taken me out in no time. Scary. We really wanted to stay long enough to watch Dave and actually stayed much longer than we had planned but his division was later and we had to leave for the next activity.
Brief stop at home to whip up a dish for the potluck and off we went to the annual meeting of the Newfoundland Club of Hawaii. It was over here on the windward side which was nice and the couple's house we were at had an ocean front view of Kaneohe Bay and Coconut Island. Super nice. The meeting itself was more of a small laid back dinner party and gave us lots of time to meet and chat with new people. Best of all, everyone has Newfies so the stories were hysterical. Good news is that Kona is not the only newfie that eats bizarre things. Bad news is that I now miss him worse than ever. Ursula, the host, has six adult Newfies, and five puppies. Three of which came out to play for a bit. Little Newfie fluffballs are too cute. Kona will be here soon though. I'm sure I'll be swearing at him in no time :)
So that was our boring week and our insane Saturday. Tomorrow should be much more tame. Hopefully, the sun will come out and we can hit the beach. After football that is...
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