Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Just wanted to post a few pics from the weekend. There seems to be a killer cold making the rounds on the island and I'm the latest victim so not so chatty :( Yooper had it last week and I think Tanner got it to judging from the slightly drippy nose and irritability but nothing slows down that kid. Never skipped a beat.

He really loves preschool though. His new buddy is Jackson. Haven't met him yet because he's not yet there when Tanner arrives and gone when I pick him up. Hopefully, I'll cross paths with the kid one of these days.

I think my favorite part of preschool are the "incident reports". I think there's at least one a day for Tanner. I laughed after the first one thinking how poor Angel would have been sore with writer's cramp had she had to write out everyone of his bumps and bruises with this detail. Then we started getting more and now I'm laughing at the poor school staff having to keep up with my clutsy, accident prone child.

An example
What happened: Tanner fell while running on the playground causing a scrap on his left knee.
What was done by staff: We washed the knee and put on a band aid. He then returned to the playground.

I wonder if they'll keep it up. Anyway, the pictures...

Buried alive on the North Shore Saturday night

Sunday at Kailua Beach

1 comment:

jmurphy said...

Good to see Tanner knows how to draw a coctail olive.