The big evening started off in a downpour. Lots of rain, even by windward standards. We were a little worried about the main event getting washed out but decided to get some pizza for dinner and wait it out. After a 45 minute rain delay, things seemed to clear up so we made a run for it. We walked to Olomana, the neighborhood across the street, for our trick-or-treating date with Alanna and her family. Alanna is in Tanner's class, a total cutie and really seems to have him smitten :) We managed to cover quite a bit of ground and it was nice to hang out with Alanna's parents and their friends. Pretty night actually. First time ever Trick-or-treating in a tank top and warm weather. Got to love that. The rain held off until just after the last house on the route. Perfect timing. I managed to snap off this pic of Tanner and Alanna just as the sprinkles started back up then Tanner and I sped home as fast as my waddling legs could go. :)
In the meantime, out of respect for our cold climate roots, Yooper fired up the big copper fire bowl in the driveway at home, lit the pumpkins, prepared a cooler of beer and sat outside to hand out candy. The fire REALLY confused the locals. Most common comment was "what are you cooking?" He got a good laugh from the confusion. His favorite was a couple who came by with their son.
Kid - Why do you have a fire?
Yooper - Because where I grew up, you needed snow boots to trick-or-treat.
Mom - YES! Exactly! Me too!
Apparently they then stuck around for some small talk of colder times before pressing on. Funny stuff. Successful evening overall. TONS of candy and happy kids.

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