The second official visitors to our new home were my mom and Eric. I guess they weren't our guests in the traditional sense since they stayed at an oceanfront rental house about 30 minutes away from our place but they were here to see us so it still counts. They arrived Friday, the day after Tanner and I got back from the Molokai trip so no time to tidy the house or complete any of the pre-parental-visit chores I usually do.
Saturday after they had managed to recover a bit from the jet lag of their terrible trip the day before, Tanner and I met them at their place and proceeded northward along the windward side of the island for the standard tour. We stopped at Turtle Bay for snacks and drinks, we got out at Pipeline to try and see some surfing, we watched the giant waves pound into Sharks Cove higher and more powerful than I had witnessed previously, and we pulled off at the top of the hill on the east side of Waimea Bay to finally catch a couple of surfers actually ride a few. The conclusion of the expedition was a stop at our new house for a tour.
Even though their initial tour of the house was in less than perfect state, it was VERY clean & tidy on Sunday for our Super Bowl Party. The Super Bowl party was fun because it was great to see that our small circle of friends is beginning to grow a bit. It was also fun because Aren got to show off his new gigantic TV. It was nice that Mom and Eric also got the opportunity to meet everybody.
Tuesday began with a drive to Waikiki where Tanner, Mom, Eric, and I went on the Atlantis Sub ride. Very cool. We actually completely lucked out with amazing visibility. Saw tons of fish, turtles, and even a few sharks. Tanner was thrilled of course. He was also thrilled to be able to show off for grandma at gymnastics too. He can be such a show off. After gymnastics, the three of us (Tanner, Mom, and I) met Aren, Eric, and Liz for a really nice Birthday dinner for my 31st. Very ironic in that I spent my 30th with Liz in Honolulu not having a clue that I would be living here less than a year later. Who would have thought?
The rest of the week was low key. Dinners together with Tanner headed back with Bumma afterward. It was also nice that things were quiet at work so I could spend a little extra time with them. On Thursday night, we grilled some steaks at our place in celebration of Eric’s birthday this time and also as a farewell dinner since we were headed to Maui the next evening. The visit certainly seemed quick. I am glad though that Mom finally got the chance to see where we’re living and where her grandson spends his time.

Tanner and Bumma at Turtle Bay

His best flamingo impression

I have no idea but it makes me laugh :)

My Birthday Dinner

Feeding the fish from the dock at Coconut Island
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