Well tonight's post is going to have to mostly be pictures cause I'm just not feeling all that chatty. Sorry.
First pic was actually taken on the 30th at sunset. I know there's a bunch of power lines and such in the pic too but I took it from the driveway. I was taking out the trash and saw this sight so I had to run back in for the camera. This is actually a pretty typical sunset with the clouds hugging the windward side of the mountain and the sun pouring through the low spots from the Honolulu side. Beautiful.
The rest of the pictures are from New Year's. A unique New Year's for sure. Mostly because we only knew three of the people previously - Liz, Dave, and Sean we had only actually met once prior. We had a small party at our place though which was great because I finally got to show the place to someone and because we actually met several new people.
Another thing to know about the people here, they LOVE New Years. It's actually one of the biggest holidays. The day after Christmas, every store in town starts selling huge amounts of fireworks. The locals spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on them. I'm told that in recent years, they've had to scale back on the "aerials" that used to be legal because of housing density and fires. I'm also told that Forth of July is tame in comparison.
You know those National Geographic shows where the entire village is ablaze in a celebration of fireworks for as far as the eye can see. Even the children are running around with explosives? Yep, that was pretty much what our neighborhood looked like...
1 comment:
Strange to see folks sitting around on New Year's Eve with tank tops and shorts unless they are on vacation but you are at home! Unreal. Tanner pic with the sparkler is beautiful. He looks so tan and happy. Your house looks great with all your stuff now in it but have you seen any other "Lucy's" lurking about?
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