Saturday, December 23, 2006

All moved in...

Mostly anyway :)

There are still a few boxes around but I'm sure those that know me best know that I unpacked everything I could in as quickly as possible. The house was almost completely unpacked within two days. The only remaining boxes are those which have things that have yet to find a proper home. Many of my kitchen items, my Dad's cookbook collection, as well as things like knick-knacks and photos still are lying in various piles around. It's always the finishing touches that take the longest.

One of the first orders of business was to finally invest in some dining room furniture. We found a really nice naked furniture place in town that actually had some quality stuff for reasonable prices. We ordered a table, chairs, and a hutch that will hopefully be able to house the kitchen overflow. Hopefully :) Only now we have to wait for the order to come in. Jan 20th. Ouch! Until then, the dining room will continue to be a bit of a mess and the extra bedroom will continue to be a landfill. Oh well.

In other news, we've had a busy couple of weeks otherwise. We made it to the mall to see Santa. I was worried about a "new" Santa this year since we've been to the same guy for the last four Christmas' in Minneapolis but after some speedy re-con on Aren's part, we deemed this Santa to be close enough to hopefully avoid detection. All was fine and this guy was great.

The other Christmas event that was entirely too cute was Tanner's Preschool Christmas Program. I wish this blog could post video because that kid was unbelievable with his hamming it up for the camera. The entire program was only about 45 minutes but was great because everything was all the songs the kids sang were "Hawaiian Style". It seems that many of the Christmas carols we know and love from the mainland have been completely re-written here. Hilarious. Especially when it's a bunch of four-year-olds singing them.

The bad news is that as I write this, poor Kona is still on his way after a 12 hour flight delay in Los Angeles today. Poor thing was supposed to have a three hour connection which seemed cruel and unusual but 12? I was assured by Northwest that he was fed and watered and well cared for. Assuming the NWA website is correct this time, he'll be here at 1:30am but we can't pick him up until 8am tomorrow. We plan to be the first ones in line. If all goes well, I'll be posting pics tomorrow night of his first swim in the ocean...

Tanner With Santa

Tanner at the Rainbow Preschool Christmas Show

1 comment:

Liz said...

CUTE!! So 2 days, huh.. that's pretty good. It would have been fun if you had a before, with all the unpacked boxes, and after.. just so we really knew what you did. I'm just trying to imagine how many boxes there really were!