Sunday, August 20, 2006

First Post

Not really sure how one starts out a blog but I guess I'll take a stab at it.

Since blogs are becoming such a popular thing, I figured now would be a good time to get one of these things going. I remember how crucial the caring bridge page was when Tanner was in the hospital. It let us communicate to friends and family directly without the phone ringing off the hook. So now that we are on the brink of such a huge life changing move, I think this would be a good way to keep those that care, in the know.

As for now, we are still begging for interviews for our trip in two weeks. Actually, two weeks from right now as I write this, assuming Northwest doesn't go on strike or some other delay creeps in, we will be arriving in Honolulu for a jam packed week of interviews, neighborhood scouting, preschool tours, price comparing, and everything else that we can think of to prepare us for our move. Hopefully we'll have some time for the beach and the pool too. Tanner's pretty excited. I'm not sure how jazzed he'll be after about the third hour on the plane but hopefully some DVD's and activity books will by us at least a few hours of occupation.

I'm getting a little anxious about the whole thing considering everything that needs to be done before we can cruise. Our goal is to have the house on the market by then. Good luck with that. Still need to paint the bathroom, trim out some windows, paint the north wall in our bedroom, put up all the fixtures in the upstairs bathroom, clean the place, mow the yard, weed all sorts of massive growing things out of every nook and cranny, and various other odds and ends. Not to mention find a realtor, go to Milwaukee for the Cleven Fam reunion and spend a week with Aren's parents before we go. Did I mention Aren leaves for a four days in Indy in the morning? Like I said, good luck with that.

The good news is that despite a mid-afternoon breakdown due to being completely overwhelmed with it all, I think we got some things done this weekend. The basement looks presentable again and most of the trim made it on the windows. The reality is that it probably won't ALL get done. I'll have to live with that. But something tells me that once I get off that plane two weeks from now, all thoughts of the stress from MN will fade and a new mission will take over. I'm looking forward to that...