Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The view from my desk

So working at a place like Coconut Island means many strange things happen on a weekly if not daily basis. One of my favorites are the days that the Hono Kai makes the tour around the island and past the window next to my desk with a boat full of kids on a field trip. They're literally feet from me as they cruise by. I always stop to wave...

Jenn & Justin's Visit

Last Friday we got our latest vacationing visitors. Just a brief visit though as Justin and Jenn were wrapping up a week long trip to Maui with Justin's family. They were still kind enough to make a one night stop over on Oahu with us on their way back.

One of the nice things about visitors is actually having the excuse to do touristy activities in the place you live. This visit included standard (but necessary) the circle island tour up the Windward side, across the North Shore and back down the middle. The stop at Sharks Cove was entertaining as it was low tide and there where a million crabs and snails to catch. Hermit crabs are too cute with their beady little blue eyes and assortment of shells. My favorite little guy was as Justin put it "living well beyond his means" because he was this little thing in a giant shell that he couldn't seem to get off the sand. Got a good chuckle from that poor guy. Must be a tough real estate market though because every shell we picked up had something in it. Tough neighborhood.

This trip to the North Shore we FINALLY got to stop at Matsumoto's for the famous shave ice. Okay, so you can get shave ice at several place across the island but this place is widely regarded as THE place to get it. Usually the line is out the door and around the corner but a combination of kinda rainy weather and right before closing meant that we finally got to go! Love that stuff. Kinda like a snow cone but MUCH better. Later that evening, we had dinner at Kona Brewing Co., Yooper's favorite but I don't think it's the food :)

Saturday we had a bit of time before their flight so after dropping their luggage off at the airport we went to Pearl Harbor. Despite the history and the grave like atmosphere of the place it was interesting. Actually learned a thing or two which really wasn't that hard given I have absolutely no retention for historical facts. My main impression of the place though was how sad it was that the Park Service has let the place get so run down. The seats in the theater had were badly worn. The film was very old dated and vintage, not in a good way. The site and general attractions were poorly laid out, etc. Such a huge attraction and such an important site in US history should have a little more elegance and attention to detail. I'm told the difficulty has to do with funding and the fact that the site is sinking into the harbor. I have to believe that an entrance fee, which there wasn't one, and a little site remediation would take care of most of that but what do I know?

One interesting note though. The USS Arizona is STILL after 45 years, leaking oil. You can actually look over the side at the memorial and see huge globules of black oil rising to the surface and disappearing into a rainbow haze on the water's surface. Kinda eerie.

Anyway, fun visit. It's great living somewhere that people actually spend vacation time at to come see you. So who's next?

Kona at the Beach

I had a request for some pictures of Kona from my mom. These got buried in a hidden folder on my camera a while back but I finally unearthed them today. I don't have any of him swimming because I'm usually trying to avoid getting wet, especially with the camera in hand and he's usually neck deep and a ways out with Yooper anyway.

Just look at that sandy drooly mess. Isn't he cute?

Tanner & Liz's Party

Instead of the standard full on kid bash this year, we somehow managed to talk Tanner into having a joint party with Liz. That worked out well for us because I wasn't really comfortable with inviting a bunch of kids from his class before he had the opportunity to go to a few other parties. I just haven't figured out the local protocol for that stuff yet.

Anyway, we had Dave & Liz, as well as several of our new friends in attendance. The funniest event of the evening had to be the cake. Apparently, everyone forgot that the party was a DUAL birthday party and failed to read "Happy Birthday Tanner & Liz" on the cake because pretty much everyone, at individual times, asked me if I was aware Tanner was only five at the sight of 34 candles on the cake. Yes I know! 5 for Tanner, 28 for LIZ, and one for good luck. I did get a good laugh out of the confused concern for my sanity though :)

Once we got that all sorted out and the candles lit, the next concern was where's Tanner? Turns out he had snuck to his bedroom to put on his Jedi costume in honor of the Star Wars cake. Really funny. So we sang Happy birthday and blew out the cake (thank god, it was getting super hot and smoky).

As I ran to the kitchen to grab the plates and forks I hear everyone over by the cake start laughing slowly at first and then a bit harder. Soon I realize that Tanner had pulled the Darth Vader head off the cake, licked all the frosting, then put it back on the cake, repeat. We're not just talking double dip but more like triple or quadruple. Luckily, the area was contained and our guest were much more amused than offended. Yuk.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Tanner's Birthday Trip to the Volcano

Ever since we decided to move here, I promised Tanner that we'd take him to see a real volcano for his birthday. At first he didn't know if this was a good idea or not because the lava might get him but once we assured him that Kilauea is a gentle volcano and the scientists are very good at keeping track of exactly where the lave is flowing, he decided we could go after all.

Friday afternoon we flew into Hilo, got our rental car, some groceries, and headed off to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. We rented a cabin for the weekend in one of the campgrounds which was great because we haven't been camping for ages. It was rustic style with a bunk bed and a double bed and that was it. More of a shelter than a cabin. Tanner was excited because he finally got to sleep in the top bunk! It was nice to be camping but difficult in that many of the things we would have liked to have had with us had to be left behind because we flew there. We made due though after all, it was only two nights.

Saturday morning we got up early, ate some breakfast, and hit the park. Tanner was a little too underwhelmed for his dad's liking but I think that had more to do with the weather. It was quite dreary and drizzled on and off for the entire day. He did manage to perk up quite a bit for Thurston Lava Tube though. He was all smiles walking through the dripping cave. Not sure that he quite got the geology behind it but the fact he got to walk through a cave was VERY cool.

By evening, it was time to drive out to the end of Chain of Craters road and begin our hike out for the evening lava viewing. It's really the only time you can see the lava itself without going on a super long hike (2-3 miles, 5+ hours, one-way) across the lava flows, something we weren't too interested in trying with a five year old. The main viewing area still gets you out of your car and across a bit of lava though and after the sun goes down, it's quite easy to see the flows coming over the pali (cliff\hillside) and dripping into the ocean in the distance. That is if you're not in a torrential downpour.

Yep, unfortunately, our weather for the main event was abysmal. We had thought that once we descended a bit in elevation (the majority of the park is at the top of the mountain at approx 4000ft) and got down to sea level, the weather would clear a bit. Boy were we wrong. It got much, much worse. We had our rain gear though and were pretty layered up so we decided to go for it. In between squalls we did see lava and once we got all the way out to the viewing area we could see several flows entering the ocean. Unfortunately I have no pictures of that for fear of getting my camera drenched. After 30 minutes or so of hoping things would let up enough to stay a little longer and get a better view, we finally threw in the towel. Yooper was the most disappointed. He had been watching eruption reports for weeks and was really jazzed about the recent activity because it was so much closer than our trip last year. I had to remind him that we DO live here now and we can and will be back again.

Sunday was fairly disappointing too when we awoke to cloud free blue skies. Oh well, better luck next time. We loaded up our sopping wet cloths, took one last run through Thurston lava tube (Tanner's favorite part of the trip) and headed to the airport. Better luck next time I guess.


Overlooking the main cater in Kilauea Caldera

Local offerings to Pele, the Goddess of Fire

Here comes the rain again

The end of Chain of Craters Road covered in lava in2003. Wish we had seen that.

In the lobby of the Volcano House hotel.

In Thurston Lava tube!!!

Birthday party

Thanks to the trip to the zoo the previous day, I was able to finally meet and chat with a few of the other moms in Tanner's class. This even led to a birthday part invite for the next day. I was a little bummed because I knew that meant I would miss the Newfoundland Club picnic at the park down the street but glad that Tanner would finally be able to participate at a classmates birthday party.

The event was held at Chuck E Cheese's which was CHAOS. For those of you who didn't know or may not remember, my first job ever was actually at Chuck E Cheese. Thankfully those days are long gone because I'm quite certain I'd be completely postal by now otherwise. Anyway, it was Tanner's first time there which really showed. He had no idea how to play skeeball - half the balls ended up in the lane to the right, and he lost air hockey in a big way. We'll have to work on that I guess...

Field Trip to Honolulu Zoo

My first field trip as a chaperon. Too cute really. I got to wander the zoo all morning with the "sea of green" and wrangle preschoolers. I'll have to go back when there's only one munchkin to keep track of though because I know I missed most of it :)